Category: Uncategorised

Sent on November 22nd, 2017 Sent in Programs, Secondary, Uncategorised

The 7-10 curriculum which complies with all Government and NESA requirements for the award of RoSA. A wide range of elective choices for Year 9-10, most leading to HCS subjects.  

Sent on November 22nd, 2017 Sent in Uncategorised

The College’s policies which are made from time to time are made pursuant to the requirements set out in section 47 of the Education Act and of NESA for registration by the College.  For further information on policies, please contact the College.

Sent on October 22nd, 2017 Sent in Programs, Secondary, Uncategorised

CHCS structures its Senior program using the Pathways model. In this model, both Years 11 and 12 combine as seniors to complete the Preliminary and HSC courses in three subjects. They then sit the HSC exams in October/November for the three subjects that they have studied that year. In the following year, the Senior students […]